2911 N Tenaya Way, suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89128."> Elizabeth S., Palo Alto, CA | Tiferes Healthcare

Tiferes Healthcare
2911 N Tenaya Way, suite 200, Las Vegas, NV 89128.

Elizabeth S., Palo Alto, CA

Five weeks into my Bell's Palsy condition, I decided to try acupuncture and came to Tiferes Medical Group. Esther, the owner and doctor, has extensive knowledge and treatment experience with Bell's Palsy condition, and from the first treatment, my face has improved dramatically day after day. Three weeks coming to see Esther, I have recovered 99%, and I continue to see her for maintenance treatments.

The clinic is clean and professional, and all medical needles are disposed properly. The tray to hold the needles gets cleaned and wrapped after every patient. Esther also explains everything clearly, makes you understand that acupuncture and Chinese medicine are not some mysterious thing, and that they treat the foundation problem, not by covering up the symptoms.


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